На юго-западе Китая в горной провинции Сычуань в результате землетрясения в понедельник 12 мая погибли, по официальным данным, не менее 12 тысяч человек. Сила толчков составила около 8 баллов. Дальше
Землетрясение в Китае

Полицейский показывает пути эвакуации, Шанхай, 12 мая 2008

Наводнение. Провинция Сычуань, 12 мая 2008

China -- Soldiers clear rubble from a collapsed building a day after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the town of Mianzhu in Sichuan Province, 13May2008

China -- An injured resident walks through the debris of her destroyed house in the town of Beichuan, Sichuan provinc, 15May2008

China - People attend a three minute silence in rememberance of the Sichuan earthquake victims on Tiananmen Square, Beijing, 19May2008

China - The mother (C) of two high school girls, Qiqi and Jiajia, who died when the Juyuan Middle School was destroyed in the devastating earthquake, Juyuan, 19May2008

China -- Premier Wen Jiabao (L) with President Hu Jintao (R) upon Hu's arrival in Mianyang, a city in quake-hit southwestern Sichuan province, 16May2008

China -- Rescuers search through the rubble of a primary school that collapsed during the earthquake, in Liangping county, 12May2008

China -- Rescuers search a collapsed building for survisors in Beichuan, Sichuan province, 13May2008

China - A member of a South Korean search and rescue team stands with a sniffer dog at a collapsed chemical factory in Yinghua town near Shifang, 19May2008